The Kingdoms of Dünnmere
Dünnmere is a land that has never been truly tamed by human folk, and the follies of bygone kings lay testament to this in the countless, crumbling fortresses that remain.
It is said that the great hearths in many of these strongholds still flicker with life. Boggart, brownie and goblin kings now sit upon their rotting thrones, squabbling over scraps and fighting amongst themselves. Their reigns often, like themselves, short and bloody.
But it is not the hordes of boggarts that provide the most peril in Dünnmere. Beyond their walls the vast forests and soaring peaks are home to a myriad of beasts and monsters, and there are more fearsome things still.
Unspeakable evils crawl up through the earth itself. Black with slime, and older than the rocks they seep from, these abominations infest the hearts and minds of good folk, corrupting even the purest in time.
Welcome to our little corner of the internet. We are a brand new miniature company based in the UK focusing on making quality fantasy miniatures for tabletop and roleplaying games.
Our miniatures are set in the dark folklore setting of Dünnmere, but are made to be compatible for games like Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer and any other 28mm miniature based games. We hope you enjoy the range, and we greatly appreciate all of your support.